Whittier Building Vote Set for January

REGIONAL – Town leaders across the North Shore can only hope a blizzard hits Haverhill but not any of the coastal towns on Jan. 23, keeping Haverhill’s residents from voting in the multi-town election to approve a nearly half-billion-dollar new building for the...

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Remember, Honor and Teach

ROWLEY -- The Rowley Burial Ground will continue for the third year on Dec. 16 to Remember, Honor and Teach as one of 4,000 locations and more than 2 million volunteers as part of the Wreaths Across America. Wreaths Across America, a free community event, started as a...

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Sedgwick Named Police Chief

GEORGETOWN — Georgetown resident and Rowley Police captain David Sedgwick will be sworn in as police chief here at 4 p.m. on Thursday. He will succeed Chief Don Cudmore, who has been a Georgetown police officer for 39 years and chief for more than 10 years. Sedgwick,...

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New Whittier Building Hits a Buzz Saw

REGIONAL – Whittier Tech Supt. Maureen Lynch last week ran into a wall with fewer cracks than her school has as she tried to persuade town and city officials in the Whittier District to support the proposed $440 million new school building. “We have to do something,”...

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November Rowley DTC Meeting with Food Collection

November Rowley DTC Meeting with Food Collection Rowley - November 14, 2023 — The Rowley Democratic Town Committee will hold its next monthly meeting at the Rowley Public Library, November 14th at 7pm. We will be joined by guest speaker Marcia Hubbard from The Open...

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Run for Fun, Support Veterans

ROWLEY – If you would like to do more this Veterans Day than thank veterans for their service, join in the fun Saturday for a 5-kilometer run/walk. And bring your children for a 1-mile fun run. The Rowley Volunteer Fire Protection Association (RVFPA) is hosting this...

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Battle Brewing Over New Whittier Building

REGIONAL – A battle that may pit the residents of Haverhill against 10 other North Shore cities and towns is erupting over who will pay for the proposed new building for the Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School. Whittier Supt. Maureen Lynch is making the...

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Forensic Science Roadshow

Forensic Science Roadshow Wednesday, Nov. 1, 6:30-8PM at the Rowley Library Venture into the world of CSI with this interactive program that introduces you to the fascinating subject of forensic science. Audience participation will help identify a “suspect” as we...

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Rowley Democratic Town Committee Meeting

Rowley Democratic Town Committee Meeting Rowley - The Rowley Democratic Town Committee will hold its next monthly meeting at the Rowley Public Library, October 25th at 7pm. Stop by to learn about the committee and meet your Rowley neighbors. The topic of discussion at...

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