Meeting Regarding Impact of MBTA 3A on Rowley

Meeting Regarding Impact of MBTA 3A on Rowley WHEN: Thursday, March 28 from 7-9PM WHERE: Grange Hall, 29 Central St., Rowley, MA If anyone wants to learn more about the MBTA 3A and how it impacts each of us that live in Rowley, there’s an open meeting scheduled for...

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Romance in Publishing: Thoughts on Where It’s Been

Romance in Publishing: Thoughts on Where It’s Been Wednesday, March 27, 7PM - Virtual How is it possible that the romance genre continues to be judged so harshly even though it is a multi-billion dollar industry, often supporting bookstores so they can also sell other...

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Letter to the Editor: The Snow Angel Program

The Snow Angel Program Letter to the Editor, The Snow Angel Program is a program that originated at Triton Schools and involves volunteers shoveling walk ways and cleaning off cars for seniors in need of assistance. Triton Schools Family and Community Coordinator each...

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Witchcraft: A History in 13 Trials

Witchcraft: A History in 13 Trials Thurs, Mar. 7, 10am -Virtual We are so fascinated with witches and witchcraft so we are taking this opportunity to discuss both with historian and author Marion Gibson about her book, “Witchcraft: A History in 13 Trials”. This book...

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Knitting and Crocheting Group

Knitting and Crocheting Group Upcoming dates: Thurs. Jan. 25, Wed. Feb. 14, Thurs. Feb. 29. 6-8pm Enjoy knitting and crocheting at the Rowley Library! Drop in for the entire time or whenever you can. All levels are welcome, beginner to expert – we will all help each...

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Whittier Could Have Allowed City-Town Voting

REGIONAL – Whittier Regional Vocational High School could have allowed each of its 11 cities and towns under state law to decide individually how to fund its share of the $264 million price tag for a new building. Rowley SelectBoard chair Cliff Pierce and other town...

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Fight To Rebuild Ipswich & Triton School Buildings

REGIONAL – The superintendents of Ipswich and Triton schools were disappointed that the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) did not invite their districts this year to apply for funding to rebuild their deteriorating school buildings. Both Ipswich’s Dr....

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