Dr. J. Peter St. Clair

Brighter Smiles: Are you at Risk?

Last week I introduced you to a patient who has been struggling with dental decay (cavities), gum recession, and dental erosion (the chemical breakdown of tooth structure). I discussed how these dental problems are complex multifactorial diseases of epidemic levels...

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Brighter Smiles: What’s on Your List?

We’re already a week into the New Year. Wow, does time fly! Do you have your list of New Year’s resolutions to make 2023 the best year ever? Throughout the year I’m always adding things to my list of things to do. As with many to-do lists, some of the items on it keep...

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Brighter Smiles – Dry Mouth?

Most people take saliva for granted, but saliva is necessary for proper digestion of food. Saliva also helps protect the mouth from dental decay, gum diseases and bad breath, because it has the natural ability to stop bacterial growth. Having a dry mouth can lead to a...

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Ballot Question 2 – Part 2

If you did not catch Part 1 of this column last week, you can read it at www.thetowncommon.com. As I explained last week, dental insurance is not really insurance. All plans available are dental benefit plans, intended to cover basic services. True insurance covers...

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Ballot Question 2 – Part 1

**This is a repeat of a 2-part column on Ballot Question 2, in case you missed it. This is important! As a general rule, the team at my office is discouraged from using the word “insurance”, because dental insurance is not really insurance. They are dental benefits....

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