Letter to the Editor: FinCom Tax-Raising Cheerleaders

Wednesday February 12, 2025

To the Editor:

If you’ve watched a Georgetown Finance [and Advisory Committee] meetings, you’re probably shaking your head: The members have shared that if their latest tax increase – a proposed $6 million tax override – doesn’t pass, “we’ll have to cut $800,000 from the budget.”

Jeepers, that’s funny math: Mommy, I want $5, so give me $45.

And their plan to get the tax raise passed? The committee members and the chair of the board of selectmen have stated that: “we need to educate voters,” and the selectman chair said in a meeting: “they have to know that if you call the fire department, it’s going to take them 45 minutes to get there to save your foundation.”

Really? Scare tactics?

How about defending every single dollar you spend, starting with all the lawyer, private detective, and consultant-from-Rhode-Island mystery money you spent chasing the Conservation agents around?

Janet Pantesti

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