Whittier Tech Students Power Georgetown Police Station Safety Upgrades

Tuesday June 18, 2024

HAVERHILL — The prisoner cells at Georgetown Police Station have been upgraded courtesy of a job by Metal Fabrication students at Whittier Tech.

The 17 students, working under the direction of Welding Instructor Steve Palmer, undertook the job after Chief David Sedgwick shared with the school his concerns regarding the quality of the sheet metals and brackets inside the prisoner cells and their risk to inmate safety.

“The job was a win-win for everyone,” Whittier Tech Superintendent Maureen Lynch said. “Our students obtained valuable on-site experience, and the department now enjoys better safety features, which benefits the entire community.”

The job consisted of an initial site visit to assess needs, the production of mock-ups, test-fitting of said mock-ups, revisions and adjustments, and a final site visit to install the new sheet metals and brackets.

“As always, Whittier Tech is proud to support our first responders in police, fire and EMS,” Welding Instructor Steve Palmer said. “On this occasion, the students both did a good job, and improved the capability of the police to serve our community.”

Whittier Tech and Georgetown Police Department share a close and longstanding relationship. In the fall of 2023, the school’s Culinary Arts Program prepared and supplied cookies and pastries for the swearing-in of Chief Sedgwick.

“I couldn’t be prouder of, or more thankful to the students,” Chief Sedgwick said. “They completed a job on-time, on-spec, and to a high standard of quality. I’m confident that our residents will soon enjoy access to many talented metal fabricators.”

The Metal Fabrication Program at Whittier Tech is also currently working on a community service project for the Georgetown Fire Department.
Students Involved
• Anthony Ferullo, Haverhill
• Caleb Clocher, Amesbury
• Ryan Deschenes, Haverhill
• Aengus Longtin, Newburyport
• Noah Allen, Haverhill
• Adrian Angeloni, Rowley
• Elodie Bonfiglioli, Haverhill
• Emma Casey, Georgetown
• Katreina Green, Haverhill
• Joseph Lefebvre, Haverhill
• Tosh Napier, Rowley
• Oliver Noel, Amesbury
• Taylor Robinson, Amesbury
• Emme Roy, Salisbury
• Ryan Savage, Newburyport
• Hilde Vienneau, Groveland
• Zachary Zimmerman, Newbury

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