In accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, Section
40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a remote
public meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 7:45 pm to consider
a Request for Determination of Applicability application filed by Wayne
Jackson for proposed construction of a 13’ x 16’ storage shed on a 4” concrete
pad and after-the-fact location of an 11’ circular trampoline, a 15’ x 10’ temporary
storage building, and a gravel driveway extension possibly within the
100’ Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands at 610 Wethersfield Street
(Map 11, Parcel 6 Lot 9) in Rowley, MA.
Daniel Shinnick, Chairman,
Rowley Conservation Commission