Newbury Fire Department Members Train on Pump Operations

Tuesday April 23, 2024

John Duxbury gives Firefighter Caity Baker a few pointers on the pump panel on Newbury Engine 10 during last Monday’s training evolution. (Courtesy Newbury Fire Department)

Newbury Fire Department Members Train on Pump Operations

NEWBURY — Chief Dave Evans is pleased to report that members of the Newbury Fire Department received pump training earlier this month at the Byfield Fire Station.
During the day, you may see firefighters stirring at both of the Newbury Fire Department’s stations if they’re not out performing fire prevention duties, inspections, public education or answering emergency calls.
Chief Evans starts most days in his office at the Byfield Station, with the full-time duty crews splitting their time between both stations, beginning at 6 a.m. at the Morgan Avenue Station. Both stations are equipped with a full complement of Ambulance and Fire Apparatus. This allows the on-duty crews and call members to utilize both stations for equipment and apparatus based on their locations in the town when an emergency arises.
The Newbury Fire Department consists of 58 members, including seven full-time members, counting the Fire Chief, as well as 51 Call/Per Diem members, and utilizes two stations, the Morgan Avenue Station and Byfield Station on Central Street.
The full time Duty crew splits their time between both stations during the day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., while Call/Per Diem members fill in during the day on call backs and cover overnight emergencies from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. The Morgan Avenue Station, which is equipped with bunk rooms, allows for the overnight crew of two members to respond at a moment’s notice, while call members respond from their homes to their respective stations when an emergency tone goes out. There are two overnight slots at the Byfield Station as well, only members respond from their homes when toned out.
“Both stations are instrumental in keeping our community safe,” said Chief Evans.
The most recent training provided at the Byfield Station was facilitated by John Duxbury, a retired Lawrence Fire lieutenant and former Massachusetts Firefighting Academy instructor, who provided training to 26 firefighters, working to ensure all members present know how to set the engines into pump gear and work the water pumps.
Newbury firefighters train on the first Monday of each month, with most practical sessions being held at the Byfield Station or at various locations throughout the town.
Next Month, May 5, the Morgan Ave Station will be hosting the MFIRS (Massachusetts Fire Incident Reporting System) class through the Mass Fire Academy. Members and mutual aid partners will be instructed by Derryl Dion, Research Analyst/MFIRS Manager for the Department of Fire Services.
“We want to have all of our members properly trained on how to operate the pumps in case they need to do so during a working fire,” said Chief Evans. “This training is an invaluable chance to get all of our members up to speed on this important firefighting skill, and to provide practice and muscle memory for members who are already trained on pumps. We place a high value on training here, because the more we train the more ready we are to face the dangers of an actual fire.”

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