1,500 Reusable Bags Donated to Rowley Residents

Tuesday August 29, 2023

By the Rowley Plastic Bag Reduction Coalition

ROWLEY – To Prepare for the Rowley Plastic Bag Restriction Bylaw on Sept. 8 the Rowley Plastic Bag Reduction Coalition, an ad hoc group of Rowley residents committed to reducing plastic waste, is helping Rowley residents prepare by offering free reusable bags.
On September 8, Rowley retailers will no longer be able to offer single-use plastic bags at checkout.
“Though many shoppers in Rowley already use reusable bags, we realized some members of our community might need assistance to make the transition,” says Coalition member Terri Davidson. “We started asking local businesses if they had surplus reusable bags they would be willing to donate, and they overwhelmingly wanted to help. We are proud of this community-business partnership and look forward to future collaborative efforts. We hope to provide free reusable bags to as many Rowley residents as possible who want them.”
The EBSCO Corporation and ReVision Energy jumpstarted the campaign with significant donations. The following businesses and nonprofits also contributed bags: Brookline Bank, Choice Graphics, Friends of the Rowley Library, Market Basket, Open Door Pantry, Rowley Animal Hospital, Rowley Realty, Salem Five Bank, and TD Bank North. Additionally, an anonymous benefactor donated 500 reusable bags that will be given to every Pine Grove School student at the start of school.
The Coalition will offer starter kits of free reusable bags at the Rowley Council of Aging Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, August 29, at 11:30 AM at the Senior Center and at the Rowley Farmer’s Market on Sunday, September 3. The public is welcome to pick up bags at either event. Approved bag pick-up locations include Town Hall, the Library, the Senior Center, and the Rowley Food Pantry.
Laura DiPersia, a Coalition member, is optimistic about the impact of the bylaw: “As a parent I see our kids taking the issue of plastics in our oceans and environment seriously. Watching this young generation rise to the occasion to reduce waste in various ways makes this new bylaw even more significant. It’s a step in the right direction to help reduce waste and pollution-something we can come together to do locally as a community to make a positive change.”
Rowley voters passed the Bylaw, endorsed by the Massachusetts Sierra Club, at the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. Rowley is one of 159 Massachusetts municipalities that have passed similar laws. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled. Rowley’s bylaw will make a notable impact in reducing waste for many communities because the town is a regional shopping hub.
For more information about getting or contributing bags, please email rowleyreduce@gmail.com.

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