LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Protesting Land Development in Groveland

Tuesday July 23, 2024

When I met my husband in 1984 I came to find out about the beauty of Groveland’s past history that was recorded in archives books. We found them in the cellar of his parent’s cellar.

As his parents got to retire they gave the responsibility of the family estate to us.  We raised two beautiful children here and they became aware of the beauty that we saw.

This is a town that was small and you could walk a short distance to the Open Fields that were maintained by the residence that abutted this place on Garrison Street.

The wildlife and the peacefulness that when you stood and looked over the field you could feel the happiness that overcame your thoughts of gratitude that the oldest of generations became to enjoy. This was a place where it was maintained by the local farmers worked to cut the hay and that smell of God’s land that overcame to us as a place of peace and the town never took care of this property. No money was exchanged for the caretaker of it.

If you were to visit this place you would see what I’m saying. It’s like going over the rainbow. Its beauty and peace that comes to you just driving by it. You can’t help but stop and enjoy what you feel and see.

The history of Groveland is so special my children and my nieces and nephews growing up around the special place was so exciting to have a knowledge of where and what Groveland became over the years.  The kids don’t need to see what the oldest of generations have built and preserved for the children of what we call townies.

They worked hard to keep Groveland a place where everyone knew everyone and keep it friendly and safe.

Do you really want to repay the past of what was taught to my children’s home town. There’s a lot of special stories that we can share about a small town.

It was Indian Territory and that alone is fascinating.

We have to preserve this land because it’s all this street has left. We on Garrison Street don’t need a place like this, it’s bad for all of us and that’s including the wildlife. It’s not alot a land to have what they want to put there. It’s such a spot that we don’t need. We need beauty and respect towards the oldest of generations.

This is so not right.

I want my grandchildren to come to enjoy what was put here for years to come.

Is this how we thank the people that take care of this place full of peace and happiness?

As it stands right now to answer that question! There won’t be a place if you allow them to go to build on this field on Garrison Street.

The people won’t stop and admire it.

What this will mean, the history will never be mentioned again.

We owe the old townies they held for all of us to enjoy and be grateful that they shared it with all of us to have to come to get such a wonderful place.

Please help us keep the history a live and take a stand against more land like this to keep families from going away from the homes that is not a good thing to let them talk take the piece away from whom it is very much appreciated.

Thank you and keep fighting.

The Medicos, Garrison St., Groveland, MA


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