Hillside Rest Home celebrating 60th Anniversary

Tuesday June 04, 2024

Samina Kashif

Hillside Rest Home celebrating 60th Anniversary

Amesbury – Hillside Rest Home, located at 29 Hillside Avenue, is celebrating its’ 60th Anniversary this year.
The colonial revival home, which was originally the home of a local carriage maker, was converted to a rest home in 1964 by a local family who were 3rd generation caregivers dating back to 1925.
In 2022, members of that family searched for another family to continue their legacy of caring for women in need. They found one in May.
Samina Kashif and her husband toured the facility and knew instantly that they wanted to be a part of this well-run home. “As soon as we saw Hillside, we wanted to be a part of it.” Samina serves as the home’s Administrator.
Samina continued. “It’s very rewarding to provide these women with a safe, comfortable and loving place to live. The staff is wonderful. They take great care of our residents and make sure everyone gets a lot of personal attention every day. It’s like we’re one big happy family. In fact, one of our residents has been living here for 29 years.”
Hillside Rest Home will host an Open House Anniversary Celebration on September 12th.

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