Three Sisters Garden Project Sustainable Agriculture talk at Ipswich Museum

Wednesday March 02, 2022

Three Sisters Garden Project Executive Director, Liz Green will discuss the central role the farm plays in the delivery of the Three Sisters Project mission on March 7, 12 noon at The Ipswich Museum located at 54 South Main Street. The March Bag Lunch discussion will focus on tools for food system change, distribution to local food pantries, and their home base mission for education and community projects. The actual farm is located on the campus of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur at 30 Jeffrey’s Neck Rd, Ipswich. The farm connects to the community by welcoming volunteers and educating the next generation of farmers, land stewards and food system advocates. Ipswich seniors and museum members are free to attend the bag lunch. Non-members $5.00. Masks required if not vaccinated.

Three Sisters Garden Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) community farm working to make local food accessible to all. The farm practices and promotes sustainable agriculture, stewarding the earth and  community by growing and providing fresh produce through their sliding-scale Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares and through a collaborative of food access partners, reaching people in 17 cities and towns across the North Shore.

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