Newburyport Public Library October programs

Tuesday September 28, 2021

Saturday, October 9th at 3 pm: Powow River Poets Reading (IN PERSON). The Newburyport Public Library and the Powow River Poets invite you to read your poetry in an Open Mic event October 9th. Please join us at the library to share your poetry of these Covid times, be it happy, sad, funny, angry, or odd. Each poet reader is given three minutes at the mic. Readings are limited to in-person attendees, but remote audiences are welcome to to enjoy these live open mic readings by Zoom. See library website or call 978-465-4428 for details.

Tuesday, October 12th at 7 pm: Union: The Struggle to Forge the Story of United States Nationhood (IN PERSON). New York Times bestselling author and award-winning journalist Colin Woodard describes the struggle to create a national myth for the United States, one that could hold its rival regional cultures together and forge an American nationhood.

Tuesday, October 19th at 7 pm: Getting Started with Birdwatching (VIRTUAL*). Steve Hale is back with a presentation for beginning and intermediate birders. This presentation provides valuable pointers, tips, and shortcuts for an interested person to quickly get the most out of birding and to become a skilled birder.

Tuesday, October 26th at 7 pm: Foster Care Information Session (VIRTUAL*). This is an information session run in conjunction with The Department of Children and Families for people wanting information about fostering through DCF.

*All virtual programs require registration to get the Zoom link. You can register online via the library website events calendar by visiting or by calling 978-465-4428 x242.

 Book Groups:

Wednesday, October 6th at 2:00 pm: Next Chapter Book Group (In Person at the Senior Center). Next Chapter Book Group (formerly Retired Readers) meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Senior Center. This month we will be discussing “The Silence” by Susan Allott.

Thursday, October 14th at 6:30 pm: Fiction Book Group (VIRTUAL*). This month we will be discussing “The invisible life of Addie LaRue” by V.E. Schwab. 

Tuesday, October 26th at 5:00 pm: Just the Facts: Nonfiction Book Group (VIRTUAL*). This month we will be discussing “The Art of Making Money: The Story of a Master Counterfeiter” by Jason Kersten.

 *All virtual book groups require registration to get the Zoom link. People can register online via the library website events calendar or by calling 978-465-4428 x242.

For any further questions, or to have staff put the book on hold for you, please give us a call.

 Other ongoing programs:

Tuesdays at 8 am: Outdoor Yoga (Offsite). Improve your physical and mental well-being by joining Registered Yoga Teachers Jessalynn Hudgins and Ree Coleman for yoga and mindfulness practice. Classes will be held weekly at the Bartlet Mall in Newburyport. No registration is necessary.

Wednesdays at 2:30 pm: Movie Matinee. Movie Matinee is back every Wednesday afternoon in the Program Room. Check our website for movie selections or call 978-465-4428 x242.

There is no eating in the library and a mask must be worn at all times while attending indoor events.

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