Newburyport Recycling October events

Monday September 06, 2021

The annual household hazardous waste day will take place on Saturday, October 2 for disposal of oil-based paint, household chemicals, mercury items, and rechargeable batteries. Also offered will be paper shredding for $5 per file size box. This will be located at the Department of Public Services at 16A Perry Way, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. No pre-registration is needed.

On Saturday, October 9, Newburyport residents can donate construction materials and hard furniture (nothing upholstered) to Habitat Restore at the Colby Farm Lane Recycling Center from 9 am -12 pm. For more information visit:

In the coming weeks, bulk trash stickers will be sold at area retailers including Market Basket, Shaw’s, Richdale, and 7-Eleven.

If you need any additional information call the Health Department at 978-465-4410 or Mello Disposal at 978-352-8581.

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