Plum Island and Sea Level Rise meeting #2 Fiscal Implications and Discussion

Monday May 31, 2021

Join the Plum Island Sea Level Rise Project for an important public meeting about the Fiscal and Economic Implications of Sea Level Rise on Plum Island. Sea levels are rising, storms are becoming more intense and frequent, and Plum Island will be experiencing more and more flooding from extreme storm events as well as a rising daily tide.

What fiscal and economic considerations will this raise for the municipalities of Newbury and Newburyport as they plan for the next 10, 30 or 50 years? And what can we be doing now to gather additional information, examine options, and plan ahead to set the stage for sound decision-making in the face of this inevitable change?

Virtual Public Meeting #2:
Thursday, June 3 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Fiscal Implications and Discussion of Next Steps (Note: This session is extended by 30 minutes to allow more time for discussion and feedback)
Visit link to the Webinar here.
For call-in information, visit:

For general information, visit: If you missed public meeting #1 Plum Island and Sea Level Rise, was held on May 24, 2021 View a recording of the meeting and access the sea level rise projections on the project website. This information sets the stage for the presentation and discussion in the upcoming Meeting #2.

Meeting #1 recording visit here.

For reference maps, visit:

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