Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Announces Free Online Film in Celebration of Earth Day

Thursday March 25, 2021

The Parker River National Wildlife Refuge has announced a free online screening of the film “The Nature Makers.” The screening is set for Tuesday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m. “The Nature Makers” is a moving portrait of passionate people and the extraordinary creatures they are fighting to preserve. In a world increasingly dominated by humans, three teams of wildlife conservationists go to seemingly unnatural lengths to try to save threatened species and habitat in the American heartland. Stunningly photographed in the Grand Canyon and on the American prairie, “The Nature Makers” follows rugged biologists who have deployed helicopters, giant bulldozers and a host of human tools to defend wild nature. In the 21st century, defending the wild often requires, quite paradoxically, technology and aggressive human intervention. 

Registration for this screening is required. Send an email to and write “Nature Makers” on the subject line. Registration deadline is Monday, April 19 at Noon. “Seats” are limited.

Produced in 2020, the film has a running time of 70 minutes.

This program is co-sponsored by the refuge and the Friends of Parker River NWR.

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